Can You Use Baby Wipes To Remove Makeup? - It's A Love/love Thing (2025)

Most women know that one of the worst things they can do to their skin is going to bed without removing their makeup. Clogged pores, skin irritation, and dry skin can be the result.

When soap and water are not doing it, or if you are out of your regular wipes to remove makeup, you might reach under the sink cabinet for baby wipes.

However, as you smell that baby lotion or mineral oil in some of these baby wipes, you might find yourself pausing to ask yourself if you could use baby wipes to remove makeup.

Can You Use Baby Wipes To Remove Makeup? - It's A Love/love Thing (1)


Can You Use Baby Wipes to Remove Makeup?

The answer is yes, but only if you are desperate and entirely out of your regular makeup wipes. However, you should know a few things before using a product like pampers-sensitive baby wipes on adult skin.

Are Baby Wipes Safe for Skin?

Can You Use Baby Wipes To Remove Makeup? - It's A Love/love Thing (2)

You might think that if baby wipes are safe for sensitive baby skin, they are a good choice for adult skin. The truth is that they were not formulated to remove waterproof makeup, heavy mascaras, and long-lasting blush or lipstick from the skin.

Baby wipes are just cotton tissue soaked in lotion and may cause skin irritation in some adults. They are essentially designed to clean babies up during diaper changes.

They could burn your eye area because they contain heavy antibacterial agents, and many contain overpowering fragrances meant to deodorize the area after a diaper change.

The Difference Between Baby and Adult Skin

There is a big difference between baby and adult skin, with the baby’s dermis being quite delicate. There are no harsh ingredients in baby wipes that could harm sensitive baby skin, making them less efficient when removing heavy makeup.

Baby Wipes vs. Makeup Remover Wipes

The difference between baby wipes and makeup remover wipes is that makeup remover wipes have been specifically formulated to remove a product like Diorshow blackout mascara without irritating the delicate eye area.

Can You Use Baby Wipes To Remove Makeup? - It's A Love/love Thing (4)

The main issue is that baby wipes, despite their strong fragrance, are not formulated to efficiently do the job that an actual makeup remover does to remove foundation, eyeliner, and mascaras.

Makeup remover wipes are also specifically designed for use near the eyes, whereas baby wipes are meant for cleaning an infant’s bottom.

Can You Use Baby Wipes To Remove Makeup? - It's A Love/love Thing (5)

What About Natural Baby Wipes?

Using natural baby wipes, which contain less disinfectant and fragrance, might seem preferable, but they are formulated for such delicate skin that they may fail at removing waterproof makeup.

Natural baby wipes also contain baby oil and essential oil, like “soothing chamomile” or “calming lavender,” that might irritate your face and especially your eye area.

To top it off, baby wipes are not efficient makeup removers. They are strong smelling so if you plan to use baby wipes at night, count on taking the strong natural baby wipe odor with you to bed.

How to Safely Use Baby Wipes to Remove Makeup

If you know that you are allergic to fragrances or if your skin is agitated by lotions or mineral oil, then you need to stay away from baby wipes and use something more natural.

Any healthy oil right from your kitchen cupboards, such as oil or olive oil, might be better than baby wipes for removing makeup.

If you still want to proceed, here are the steps to removing makeup with baby wipes.

Remove Foundation and Blush

Don’t wet your face first. Instead, take the baby wipe directly from the sleeve of its box, and starting with your nose, make sweeping movements down from the center of your nose, making sure to clean your nose creases and any marionette lines.

Then sweep upwards from the nose towards your hairline to eliminate all foundation and blush. Repeat the same movements from the base of your chin and lower jawline.

Remember to dispose of each baby wipe as it becomes coated with makeup, and pull a fresh one from the box. Don’t try to save money by reusing them, as you will only end up smearing makeup residue and bacteria all over your face.

Wipe Your Neck, Hairline, and Jawline

Don’t forget to wipe your neck completely and beneath your chin with the makeup wipes. If you use makeup on your cleavage, be sure to cleanse there. Be sure to also thoroughly clean your jawline and behind your ears.

Don’t forget that sweating often causes makeup to creep up into and beyond the hairline, so be sure to gently cleanse wherever your hair meets your scalp to prevent clogged pores.

Gently Remove Mascara and Eye Makeup

If you want your eyes to look youthful, then be sure to remove all makeup altogether, including eyeliner and mascara. Close your eyes completely when you do this to prevent them from being irritated by any fragrance or oils in the baby wipes.

To avoid losing eyelashes while cleaning them, stroke them gently with downward motions to encourage the mascara to drop onto your cheeks. You can then clean up any remaining streaks safely away from your sensitive eye area.

How to Remove Heavy Makeup

The bad news for ladies who want to crawl between the covers fast is that wipes are not the best way to remove heavy makeup, whether baby wipes or a regular face wipe.

To remove heavy makeup, soak a washcloth in hot water and press it to your cheeks, neck, and eye sockets to loosen the oils and grime leftover from your long day. Remember to be gentle to avoid irritating your skin.

It is best to use a slightly textured washcloth with a bit of ribbing to capture flakes from hardened mascara and grains of powder embedded in your pores.

Pay attention to the lip and eye areas, both of which can become stained from heavy waterproof makeup.

If hot water is not enough, use a gentle cleanser to remove any remaining residue. Be sure to rinse your face with cold water and dry your skin with a clean, dry towel.

Once the skin is dry, it is important to moisturize with a pure organic serum or cream, as wearing makeup and removing it are very dehydrating to the skin.

Makeup Removers for Sensitive Skin

If you have sensitive skin, be careful when using baby wipes or regular wipes for makeup removal. This is because sensitive skin reacts to an alcohol-based facial cleanser and fragrances and essential oils in baby wipes. You may have to go another route entirely and buy a hypoallergenic gel-based makeup remover.

Good and Bad Ingredients in Makeup Remover

Whether you are buying regular makeup wipes or natural or intended for sensitive skin, you will find that some makeup products contain questionable ingredients, especially if you are trying to keep your beauty routines clean or pure.

Ingredients to Avoid in Makeup Products

Before buying makeup wipes or any other kind of makeup, check if they contain any ingredients that could be sensitive to the skin. If the product is not marked hypoallergenic, it is probably not a good idea to buy it.

The ingredients to watch on labels include alcohol, dyes, fragrance, parabens, and sulfates, which can especially upset sensitive skin.

Makeup Products with Good Ingredients

When buying makeup remover or facial wipes, look for labels that say “dermatologist tested,” “certified organic,” or explicitly labeled for sensitive skin.

Ingredients typically found in these light cleansing products include aloe vera gel, green tea, lavender essential oil, pearl powder, and rice bran.

Make Your Own Makeup Remover Wipes

A popular way to make your own makeover wipes is to cut up cotton squares or old thin washcloths and then immerse them in a container filled with any of the following mixtures:

  • Baking soda and honey
  • Castor oil and coconut oil
  • Coconut oil, honey, and witch hazel

You can create a 100% natural makeup wipe by soaking a square of cotton or dipping a cotton pad into any of the following substances:

  • Cucumber juice
  • Expired yogurt
  • Any milk, nut, almond, or dairy

Steam may also be used to remove makeup by placing your face over a bowl of hot water and then using a towel to remove it gently. Any traces of very heavy makeup can be banished with an oil cleanser such as coconut oil or olive oil.

Makeup Removal Tips

Here are some tips to help you understand the purchase and use of makeup wipes and makeup removal.

  • If it doesn’t say hypoallergenic on the label, you probably should not buy it, especially if your skin is sensitive.
  • A makeup wipe is not a substitute for cleaning your face after makeup removal, so follow up with an oil cleanser the same night or the next day.
  • Waterproof mascara and eyeliners are the most challenging makeup to remove, so using a more natural type of mascara might be healthier for the growth of your lashes and your under-eye area.

Better DIY Uses for Baby Wipes

Baby wipes should not be your first choice for makeup removal, but they do have some other practical alternative uses, such as:

  • Soothing the immediate sting of a bug bite
  • Hand sanitizer and moisturizer
  • Cleaning a steering wheel
  • Removing deodorant stains on clothes
  • Polishing a leather purse
  • Cleaning a foam or rubber yoga mat
  • Cleaning rubber thongs

Final Remarks

Remember that removing makeup with something more natural and straightforward is just as easy, such as olive oil applied to a cotton ball or pad, rather than using baby wipes. Only use baby wipes to remove makeup when you don’t have any other option, and do it occasionally.

Can You Use Baby Wipes To Remove Makeup? - It's A Love/love Thing (2025)


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